Freedom Ride

After the auction is completed - and I am completely and utterly drained - we go load up the vehicles we brought full of kennels.  Before the drive down to the auction in Missouri, the kennels are loaded into the vehicles like puzzle pieces, blankets are put inside them, and they await their dog that will fill them.  Loading the dogs into the kennels after the auction is also a puzzle because we only have so many sized kennels and have to keep in mind who needs the biggest kennels.

Once they are securely in their kennels, we make the 10 hour Freedom Ride back to Minnesota!  The dogs are typically scared, shaking, and have no idea how their lives are about to change.  I promise each and every dog as they are put in the car that their lives will never, ever, ever be the same.
Packed up and ready to make the drive!
 We have been lucky enough to find amazing sponsors, like Enterprise, that will donate vans!

 I'm sure people think we are dog hoarders when they see all the kennels in the cars!

What amazes me most about the drive home is how quiet it is.  It's likely the first time the dogs have had a flat surface to lay on (without grates), a blanket, and experienced a quiet environment.  The dogs usually sleep the entire way - only once did I have puppies poop which is miraculous - and I don't hear a peep unless I stop the car for gas.  T

For the first time, their bodies are able to rest.  I sometimes forget they are all back there... until one lets out a squeal from a dream their minds cannot even comprehend at that moment!

Details on their foster home experience to come in the next blog!



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